The World Handicap System: What you need to know

The World Handicap System: What you need to know

Beginning at 12:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 1, golfers will be temporarily unable to post scores, or access the GHIN platform and handicap information while data is migrated to the new World Handicap (WHS) platform. Service will be restored on Monday, January 6. At that time, NJSGA members will be prompted to update their NJSGA mobile app. Handicaps will be re-calculated based upon the new WHS formula.

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The following is a list of FAQ's to help understand the transition to the new WHS platform.

What are the most significant changes to the WHS?

  • Handicaps will be revised daily.

  • The calculation processes by which your handicap index and playing (course) handicap are calculated will change.

  • The concept of the “Playing Conditions Calculation” has been introduced.

  • New safeguards to ensure the integrity of a handicap index have been instituted.

  • The rules for posting scores when fewer than 18 holes are played have been modified.

  • Click here for a full explanation of these and other major changes (provided by the USGA).

What can I expect on January 1, 2020?

On Wednesday, January 1, 2020, your handicap information will become temporarily unavailable while your data is migrated to the new WHS platform. On Monday, January 6, your handicap information will become available again and you will be able to post scores. Golfers will use their December 15, 2019 handicap index until it is revised, under the new WHS calculation, and made available on January 6, 2020.


When can I post scores again?

On January 6, 2020, golfers may post scores - plus any scores for rounds played in active season regions during the period when GHIN service (Jan. 1 – 6) when the service is unavailable.


What happens to my GHIN number?

There will be no change to your GHIN number.


How will I receive my handicap information and current news from the New Jersey State Golf Association going forward?

The NJSGA will continue to send bi-monthly emails on the 1st and 15th of each month which will include a link to access your handicap information as well as the latest news.


What effect does the change to the WHS have on my GHIN mobile App?

There will be an update required to your GHIN mobile app which will require it to be re-downloaded (similar to updating any other app).  The look and feel of the app will be dramatically improved, and will contain greater functionality, more statistics, and more detailed information. The new app has been designed for ease of use and to assist in the transition to the new WHS platform.

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