NJSGA/USGA Qualifier COVID-19 Policies - Updated Sept. 29
(Updated September 29, 2020) - The guidelines outlined below are in effect for all USGA qualifiers conducted by the NJSGA. The following is subject to change, without notice. Players should familiarize themselves and follow best practices as published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and the New Jersey State Department of Health.
Failure to comply with points listed herein, or breach of a local rule, may result in the withdrawal of a player's entry, disqualification, or penalty under the Terms of the the Competition, the Rules of Golf, or the NJSGA's Code of Conduct.
Players are expected to comply with the NJSGA’s COVID-19 policies. In addition, players are expected to self-screen prior to attending a NJSGA event. Players are expected to ask themselves the following questions, and withdraw if the answer to any of these is “yes”.
Within the last fourteen (14) days, have you:
- Traveled to one of the following states (locations as of 9/29): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, or Wyoming - or traveled to Guam, Puerto Rico, or elsewhere outside the United States?
- Been diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Been advised to quarantine by a doctor or other medical authority?
- Experienced symptoms consistent with COVID-19, such as:
- Fever over 100.4° Fahrenheit?
- Experienced shortness of breath?
- Experienced abnormal coughing symptoms?
- Experienced loss of taste or smell, chills, shaking, sore throat or muscle aches?
- Experienced any other unusual flu-like symptoms?
If you answered yes to any of the above, the NJSGA expects you to withdraw from the competition. In order to withdraw, please email bradb@njsga.org or call the NJSGA at 908-241-GOLF.
If a player fails to comply, the NJSGA reserves the right to disqualify a player or withdraw the entry of a player under the NJSGA’s Code of Conduct (available here).
Face Coverings
In accordance with the New Jersey Executive Order issued on July 8, the New Jersey State Golf Association now requires the wearing of face coverings in various locations and situations at its events. The policy is below, which will be enforced under the NJSGA’s Code of Conduct, is in effect at all NJSGA events:
- Players and caddies must carry a face covering at all times. The NJSGA will not supply masks.
- Players and caddies MUST wear a face covering at all times when indoors.
- Players and caddies MUST wear a face covering any time that maintaining a 6’ distance from another person is not practicable.
- Players and caddies MUST wear a face covering when interacting with a NJSGA official or staff member.
- Players and caddies MUST wear a face covering when asked to do so by a NJSGA official or staff member, or by a representative of a host facility.
- While there is no requirement for a player or caddie to wear a face covering when using the practice facilities or during their round, players and caddies are required to put on a face covering if social distancing cannot be maintained in either area.
The NJSGA expects and appreciates the cooperation of all players and caddies in maintaining a safe, healthy, and enjoyable environment.
Standard Player Health:
- If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home. Any player displaying symptoms will be required to go home.
- Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
- Do not touch any equipment that is not yours.
- Wash your hands frequently. If you are unable to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer.
Communication with Players, Volunteers and Club Officials
In the event the NJSGA learns that any person in attendance at an NJSGA event is infected, being tested for, or shows verified symptoms of COVID-19, the NJSGA will notify all players, officials, and the club representatives of the facts as known to the NJSGA. Individual identification of the person potentially infected or exposed will not be divulged except when absolutely necessary. If a player in a competition is the person potentially infected or exposed, then the players who played with that person will also be individually notified. Further, the NJSGA will provide updates to all persons originally notified as to the outcome of any testing or other related information.
Additional Requirements:
- No gathering or loitering at any location on the property before or after a round.
- Players are to maintain at least a six-foot distance minimum from other people while on property whenever possible.
- Players will be expected to supply their own masks and expected to wear them when six-foot minimum distance cannot be met, when indoors or otherwise in accordance with state guidelines.
- Players must provide their own pencils/tees.
- If any player is concerned that another player is not complying with CDC standards, or feels the player is ill, he/she should bring it to the attention of the NJSGA.
General Player Information:
- Arrival – The NJSGA will still have a designated registration area where players must “check-in” to confirm starting times and verify compliance with the above mentioned self-screening process. Players must keep six feet from all people while in the registration area and wear a mask if this distance cannot be maintained. Players MUST NOT arrive more than 1 hour before their starting time and will not be permitted to use the practice facilities prior to that time.