MGD - Bedens Brook Club (Two-Person Teams)
Bedens Brook Club — Skillman
DateAug 16, 2021
Entry Deadline
Format: Two Person Teams
Registration: June 17 - August 2
Start Time: TBD
Note: If registrations fill up on September 16 (first day) there will be a random (lottery) selection in place. If registrations fill up on the second day or subsequent days - registrations will be first come first serve.
Refund Policy:
NO REFUND SHALL BE ISSUED AFTER THE CLOSE OF ENTRIES, except in the case of illness or injury as accompanied by a physician´s notice. In this case, entry fee will be refunded minus a $25.00 surcharge, $50.00 for team events. If a player does not gain entry into an event due to oversubscription, he will be refunded in full. No refunds shall be issued for any reason after the tournament start date. All requests for a refund must be initiated via email or telephone by contacting Rich Kennedy, at or 908-241-4653.
- The NJSGA will offer a refund for anyone who WDs if they are sick or uncomfortable participating for safety/health reasons.
- The NJSGA asks players to WD with as much advance notice as possible to allow us to fill the vacated spot from our waiting list. If at all possible, please do not wait until the day of the event to WD.
- The following refund deadlines will be enforced:
- For Monday events – 12:00 noon the previous Friday.
- For Tuesday events – 12:00 noon the previous Friday.
- For Wednesday events – 12:00 noon the previous Monday.
- For Thursday events – 12:00 noon the previous Tuesday.
- Refund policies: Before above deadline date - Full refund. After above deadline but before a player’s starting time – refund minus a $50 surcharge ($100 for team events). No-shows (with no notice) receive no refund.
Entrant's Agreement:
By a player’s attempt to enter this Championship, he/she agrees that he/she has read, understands, and agrees to all conditions and stipulations set forth as indicated herein. A player understands that the final decision regarding acceptance of entries is at the discretion of the NJSGA, and that the NJSGA reserves the right to reject or withdraw an entry at any time, before or during a competition, and to modify the championship program for any reason if deemed advisable. A player has subjected him/herself to the authority of the NJSGA, whose decision on any/all points shall be final. USGA Rules of Golf shall govern play at all times and will be augmented by local rules in effect during a competition.
** Please be sure to carefully read all instructions, terms, and conditions prior to submitting your entry.